
Anubian #5416

70 HTR

Seller: Imaginarium

Background Dusk 12.14%
Character Sese 12.25%
Waist Banana Leaf Waist 33.83%
Chest Nipple Tassles 9.55%
Neckdress Neckdress Gold Leaf 14.35%
Headdress Mummy Head with Brains 4.87%
Right Arm Leather Gauntlets 15.80%
Left Arm Mummy Left Arm 8.90%
Right Hand Osiris Flail 4.66%
Facial Hair Osiris Beard 2.95%

Anubian 5416 of 10,000

Floor price: 39 HTR*
Average price: 27704.44 HTR

* Floor price is the lowest price for collection items, rather than the average item price, and is updated in real-time.

Last Sale: 36 HTR / 2024-04-11
Average: 93.65 HTR
Highest Sale: 2000 HTR / 2021-12-16

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